Six on Saturday in Rockport Texas 07-27-2019

I was encouraged by the blog, The Propagator at, to share “six things, in the garden, on a Saturday. Could be anything – a flower, a plan, a favorite tool, a pest, a harvest, anything at all.” So here goes my six on July 27th.

  1. Blue Porterweed, Stachytarpheta cayennensis, S. indica, is putting off lots of blooms for the hummingbirds. The little birds visit this plant first in the garden each time proving it is a favorite.

2. It has been almost 2 years since the eye of Hurricane Harvey hit Rockport and I have introduced some new plants to test out their ability to tolerate the wind and salt to replace what I lost. Cestrum Orange Peel, is thriving nicely.

3. Salvia ‘Amistad’ is my go to plant in Austin, so I took some cuttings and transplanted one in Rockport. It immediately showed its displeasure with this harsh environment and I thought it was a goner. But after a couple of weeks it began to put on new leaves and now it seems perfectly happy in this semi shady spot that is protected a little from the winds.

4. Scaevola aemula ‘Blue Fan” is another experiment that seems to be successful, so far. It is a great filler plant providing lots of color. We’ll see if it can last in the August heat to come.

5. This Plumeria is one that did survive being buried under a pile of rubble that was once our garage made of cement blocks. I’m so happy it did because the pink and yellow blooms are lovely.

6. This orb weaving spider is just hanging out among the Mexican Honeysuckle. I often name my garden friends and so she is now called Harriet since it looks like she has an egg sack near by.

Well, those are my six. Happy gardening!

6 thoughts on “Six on Saturday in Rockport Texas 07-27-2019

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  1. Your six on saturday post with your mention of Hummingbirds is very exotic compared to what I can grow in England. The Salvia at number 3 on the list is the only plant I’ve heard of before. Thanks for introducing me to a whole new horticultural environment – you can keep Harriet though, I’m an arachnophobe!


  2. Thanks! You have sooooooo many plants us Texans would love to have in our gardens. Funny how I always want the plants that won’t grow in my region.


  3. Harriet is one handsome spider. All your flowers look so beautiful in the Texas sun, but I really love the plumeria best. That she’s a tough old bird only adds to her charm. Welcome to SoS! Hope to see you again.


    1. The plumeria have such an amazing fragrance too! I picked up broken pieces off the ground and have many starter plants to transplant in the fall. Some are white with yellow centers.


  4. Hummingbirds do sound exotic from a UK perspective. I’ve just been reading a couple of books on bumble bees and they are having a very hard time over here because farming has become so industrialised and farmland is both toxic with pesticides and devoid of the wild flowers that should be their food source. Are hummingbirds becoming more dependent on gardeners? Do you plant specifically to attract them into gardens?


    1. I do choose plants specifically for the hummingbirds and I also put out feeders to supplement too. I think they are more dependent on us now. They usually come through in September on their migration to Central America and Mexico. I just love these little guys!


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